I could tell you about how I have always loved photography, or how many rolls of film I went through in college, or how my father had built a darkroom in our basement when I was a child, but my story is actually a bit more bittersweet…
I was drawn to photography following the loss of my son Owen just two weeks before his due date. His stillbirth was completely unexpected and without explanation… and it left me searching for meaning in life. Most of all, I wanted my son’s life to matter so that he would not be forgotten. In order to help myself heal, I decided to surround myself with happiness and so I started Reiley Photography at the end of 2006, not long after the birth of my daughter Paige.
Photography became a way for me to cultivate happy moments and share them with others. Since it was Owen who inspired this decision, in my mind he is also responsible for the joyful memories these images bring the families I work with. Each and every photo I take is evidence that Owen’s life has made a difference in the world.